Saturday, September 15, 2007

For Wannabe Bartenders, There's Always Barber College

I am a big proponent of higher education. That's whyI encouraged my friend South Philly Phil to get his GED and my friend Mike Doe to go to bartending school.

This, too, is why I am encouraging prospective barbers: there's always barber college. After all, if you're going to mess with a man's feathered do, you'd better bring your A-game. Otherwise, your throat just might get ripped out.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Hair Spray is Critical to Bouncers

Bouncers need hairspray even more than the customers. A poorly groomed bouncer is a poorly-performing bouncer. And without some first-rate hairspray, grooming inevitably goes to hell in a handbasket. Just ask Red Butler.

More on Morgan's Lack of Temperament for the Trade

Morgan failed the number one rule of bouncing: Be nice. He had a nasty disposition and was always trying to settle problems with his fists...inside the bar! Major no-no's in the bouncing profession.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Morgan Flunked Out of Barber College

Wow, one of the readers of There's Always Barber College informs me that Morgan did indeed flunk out of barber college! More news on this tomorrow, as it comes in!